“Arts historians are here to serve artists and help translating their message and vision, making them accessible to the broadest” Chantal TOMBU, TEXAF BILEMBO

“Arts historians are here to serve artists and help translating their message and vision, making them accessible to the broadest” Chantal TOMBU, TEXAF BILEMBO

We met this with Chantal Tombu, director and curator at Texaf Bilembo center in Kinshasa to discuss the release book Artistes du 21e siècle : RDC. Vol. 3. : Art Contemporain en République Démocratique du Congo, dedicated to Congolese multidisciplinary artists Rachel Malaika NKUMISONGO, Catheris MONDOMBO and Thonton KABEYA and in collaboration with artist and curator Christine DECELLE.

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