Exclusive interviews with African Contemporary Artists uncovering their unique story with no filters.

Nos interviews exclusives d’artistes contemporains originaires d’Afrique et de la diaspora

Interview Ngalula MAFWATA Interview Ngalula MAFWATA

In conversation : Dola POSH : 1-54 Confessions

We sat in Conversation with Dola POSH at 1-54 Art Fair as she shares her journey through motherhood which inspired her captivating series of self portraits : Omo Mi presented with Cynthia CORBETT. Dola POSH also aims at encouraging other African and Black mothers to give themselves grace when navigating the joys and struggles of motherhood

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Interview Ngalula MAFWATA Interview Ngalula MAFWATA

In conversation : Alimi ADEWALE : 1-54 Confessions

While at 1-54, we sat in Conversation with Alimi ADEWALE showing for the first time at the Fair. Presenting the impressive Terra Mater, the impressive body of work tackles the interconnections between mankind and earth. This also marks a turning point in the Nigeria-based artist’s career who has also has now been represented by Pearl LAM Galleries, looking at nurturing cultural bonds with the Asian market.

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Interview Ngalula MAFWATA Interview Ngalula MAFWATA

In conversation : Mamadou CISSÉ

In Conversation with Mamadou CISSÉ (b.1960). The Senegal born artist is a master of lines and colours and reinvents cities through his unique eye. Presented by Christophe PERSON this Fall, the captivating works of Mamadou CISSÉ tell the story of our modern cities and inner worlds

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